DotNetWikiBot Framework Documentation
Assembly: DotNetWikiBot (in DotNetWikiBot.dll) Version:
Returns false if messages for specified language were not found. Returns true on success.
Function loads localized bot's interface messages from
"DotNetWikiBot.i18n.xml" file. Function is called in Bot class constructor,
but it can also be called manually to change interface language at runtime.
Namespace: DotNetWikiBotAssembly: DotNetWikiBot (in DotNetWikiBot.dll) Version:
C# |
public static bool LoadLocalizedMessages( string language ) |
- language
- Type: System..::..String
Desired language's ISO 639-1 code (e.g., "fr").
Return Value
Type: BooleanReturns false if messages for specified language were not found. Returns true on success.