DotNetWikiBot Framework Documentation
Protects or unprotects the page, so only authorized group of users can edit or rename it. Changing page protection mode requires administrator (sysop) rights.

Namespace: DotNetWikiBot
Assembly: DotNetWikiBot (in DotNetWikiBot.dll) Version:

Collapse imageSyntax

public void Protect(
	int editMode,
	int renameMode,
	bool cascadeMode,
	DateTime expiryDate,
	string reason


Type: System..::..Int32
Protection mode for editing this page (0 = everyone allowed to edit, 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed to edit).
Type: System..::..Int32
Protection mode for renaming this page (0 = everyone allowed to rename, 1 = only registered users are allowed, 2 = only administrators are allowed).
Type: System..::..Boolean
In cascading mode all the pages, included into this page (e.g., templates or images) are also automatically protected.
Type: System..::..DateTime
Date and time, expressed in UTC, when protection expires and page becomes unprotected. Use DateTime.ToUniversalTime() method to convert local time to UTC, if necessary. Pass DateTime.MinValue to make protection indefinite.
Type: System..::..String
Reason for protecting this page.

Collapse imageExamples

 Copy imageCopy
page.Protect(2, 2, false, DateTime.Now.AddDays(20), "persistent vandalism");

Collapse imageSee Also